Unintentionally Salty Pancakes
Day 295 (20th June)
As I mentioned, I'm travelling for a few days. So, to switch things up a bit, I got some help from the lovely staff over at Vivanta by Taj, Aurangabad. They allowed me to use their live cooking station to cook/bake for the duration of our stay.
For the first day, I decided to make some pancakes. Everything didn't go according to plan because I think I added a little too much baking powder and not enough flour. The pancakes turned out to be way too salty to eat, but that's okay. I've cried about that enough already — and we can only go up from here, right?
For reference, this is the recipe I used:
90 grams of maida/all-purpose flour
4 grams of baking powder
25 grams of sugar
120 grams of plain yoghurt
1 egg
24 grams of melted butter + 24 grams of room temp/cold butter (salted butter)
1) Heat a pan on medium-high heat and add the cold butter to it as grease.
2) Combine all the ingredients.
3) Cook pancakes for about two minutes on each side.
4) Serve hot.
This is not the best recipe, but I will troubleshoot and get a better recipe out soon! Stay tuned :)