Matcha Pt 2(?)
I had high hopes for this cake, but quite a few things awry during the baking process.
I started off with this matcha cake recipe. Since I didn't have coconut cream, I decided to substitute it with yoghurt and vinegar. This turned out to be a supremely bad idea.
Yoghurt with acid is an excellent substitute for egg, one that I use in almost all of my eggless bakes, but this time the ratio was off. I added excess yoghurt and less flour. This combination made the cake gummier. It felt as though I'd used glutinous rice flour as the base.
I thought I might be able to salvage the cake with whipped cream and kiwi, but the whipped cream was sour. The first time it's expired :(
I do think this was a fun learning curve, though. Clearly, I have to experiment with eggless baking a bit more before I can run around willy-nilly dumping ingredients in a bowl!