I Know At Least Three Living Brownies
Day 285 (10th June)
Folks, I got another brownie order.
This post is simple. It's about me making brownies. Obviously, I can't share the exact recipe due to business reasons (look at me being fancy), so here are some facts about brownies.
Please note: These facts are scientifically accurate — no need to Bing them.
1) Fudgy brownies are ten times better than cakey brownies, and those that can't taste the difference do not have biologically evolved taste buds.
2) Brownies were originally called "little poops," but that turned off people's appetites, so the name "brownie" was birthed.
3) You can only eat brownies in multiples of two.
4) A brownie a day keeps a doctor at bay.
Okay, that's all. Bye.
PS: For real, why is Brownie such a popular pet name?