Day 38 (06/10): Caramel Bread Popcorn
Updated: Oct 24, 2021
I finally successfully made this! :D
Ever since I made the delicious drizzly caramel for the caramel cupcakes, I have wanted to give this recipe another go. I wanted to see if I could make caramel in a (sort of) different form.
When I first made this many months ago, I burned the bread AND the caramel. I got a charred mess as the final product. I gagged and gagged while still somehow managing to stuff the burnt pieces in my mouth. My dad and my brother had joined me. We dipped the burnt popcorn into white chocolate and finished the whole bowl. I would say #noregrets, but this is very much a #YOUWILLREGRETTHIS type of situation.
Though, that story is why I was so happy with the results because, to me, it shows how far I've come. A few months ago, I was struggling with this simple recipe, and now it is not a big deal – I made this half-asleep in less than thirty minutes. To you, it might not seem like a big leap, but to me, it means that I am making progress which is all I hope for.
That got a little cheesy (popcorn pun, hehe). But anyway, if you're looking for something to balance the saltiness of your popcorn, this is the perfect addition. Combining the two would make a delicious popcorn trail mix!
Also, I wanted to mention – add an extra tablespoon of water. It will help with the melting of the sugar.
See you for some cake truffles tomorrow! x