Day 71 (08/11): Caramel Shortbread
Updated: Nov 19, 2021
I love shortbread. I've probably mentioned this before, but my favourite tea-time biscuit would be Walker's Shortbread. They are buttery, flaky, and all-around delicious.
I also LOVE caramel. Like a good, drizzly, homemade caramel? That's my jam, right there. If it wasn't creepy for me to attach sounds of myself enjoying food right here, I would. I really would.
So, for day 70, I decided to combine the best of both worlds and make some caramel shortbread. I used a standard shortbread recipe for the base (the shortbread part of this recipe) and added some chewy caramel (the second recipe from this video) on top.
I have a small crooked square tin whose centre is higher than the rest of the tin. So, when I put the shortbread in, the edges rose and left a shorter section in the middle. I had originally planned to trim off the edges, but once the caramel set, I fell in love with the way the whole thing looked. I decorated it with some almond flakes and a bit of buttercream — I think it turned out quite cute!
See you tomorrow. :D
PS: I wasn't sure what to title this post. Would it be simply caramel shortbread or a caramel shortbread square pie? If you're lurking around, no need to anymore. Comment the answer to start a discussion!